
The bible is God’s written word

The Bible is the inspired word from God

All Scripture is from God and profitable for teaching, for reproof (persuading someone back to truth), for correction (setting someone right again), and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).   The process that God used to give us his word is called inspiration (2 Peter 1:20). The word of God is without error and is truth (John 17:17).  It tells us who God is (Genesis 1:1, Exodus 34:6, 1 John 4:8), that he loves us (Romans 5:8), and what his plans are for us (Jeremiah 29:11).  After the crucifixion of Jesus, the book of Acts provides us examples of how believers in the early church received forgiveness for their sins.


Proof supporting that the bible is inspired by God


Uniqueness of the bible

  • 66 books, 1400 years to write, 40 authors writing at different times and places, most not knowing each other, yet the entire book tells only one story without contradiction.


Few examples of scientific truths written in the Scriptures before they were discovered by scientists.

  • The shape of the earth is mentioned in Isaiah 40:22
  • Gravity can be found in Job 26:7
  • Mentions atmospheric circulation Ecclesiastes 1:6
  • A reference to ocean currents can be found in Psalm 8:8
  • The hydraulic cycle is described in Ecclesiastes 1:7


Fulfilled prophecy.

Mathematics and Astronomy Professor Peter W Stoner calculated the probability of just 8 Messianic prophecies (shown below) being fulfilled in the life of Jesus was 1 in 10 to 17th.  This is only 8 of more than 300 prophecies that point to Jesus Christ.  Imagine that mathematical probability!